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Ike - To-Do List, Task List 2.0
Pocket Universe, LLC
"What is important is seldom urgent, and what is urgent is seldomimportant." - Dwight 'Ike' Eisenhower Ike is a playful to-do listin the spirit of President Eisenhower's priority matrix. Organizetasks by importance and urgency. Manage tasks using intuitivegestures. Never forget a thing by adding due dates and locationreminders. Go pro to unlock all the themes, widgets, the ability toadd multiple reminders to each task, location reminders, images,and audio recordings. Prioritize Prioritize tasks, todos, andreminders into a priority matrix depending on theirimportance/urgency. The Eisenhower method, also called a prioritymatrix, was popularized in Steven Covey’s “7 Habits of HighlyEffective People”. Prioritizing tasks upfront is the cornerstone ofIke; prioritizing a task is the first thing you do, rather thanselecting it afterwards. Due Dates Add a due date to a task to giveit a deadline. Due dates can repeat daily, weekly, monthly, yearly,or be customized to a variety of configurations, such as “every 3weeks on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday”, or “every 3 months”.Reminders Add multiple time or location-based reminders to eachtask. Tasks with due dates have time reminders depending on if adue date is at a set time or is an all day event, and reminders canfire once or repeat. Default reminders for due dates can becustomized in the app settings. Location-based reminders can beadded and customized for arriving at or leaving from a location.View a map or get driving directions while viewing a task that haslocation-based reminders. The geofence detection radius can becustomized as well as the detection time when arriving at alocation. Images and Audio Add an image to a task to add moreinformation about it, or to jazz it up. Images are seen directly inyour task list so you don’t have to dig for it. Add audiorecordings to a task using Google’s speech to text. Audio is playeddirectly from the task list, and a speech to text is shown whilethe audio is playing to make it easier to access. If you want toquickly add a task with a lot of information, audio is the way togo. Notes Add notes and descriptions to your tasks. We give you anentire screen to add whatever detailed information you want.Customize and Celebrate Celebrate your accomplishments withdelightful animations, and visualize progress as you completetasks. Task lists can be customized with a variety of color themes,some free and some pro. Widgets Create widgets to add, edit,complete, and view tasks. We currently have a quick add widget, atask list view widget, a task chip widget, and several matrixwidgets to efficiently get an overview of your to-do list. Ike isfree to download and use. For a one time purchase, upgrade yourexperience to Ike Pro to unlock all themes, widgets, up to fivereminders per task, images, and audio recordings. Rate it if youlike Ike, tell us if you don’t! Please contactiketodolist@gmail.com if you have any support issues, questions, orfeedback.